
An American runner injured in the third encierro of Pamplona

Sanfermines 2018

USPA NEWS - An American runner from Alaska, 30 years old, was wounded in the third encierro of the Sanfermines of Pamplona, “‹“‹held this Monday with bulls from the ranch of Cebada Gago. The young runner is admitted to the hospital in Navarra with a reserved prognosis.
The runner was attacked by a halter when the encierro ran through the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Pamplona and was preparing to take Mercaderes street. The halters are tame bulls that guide the bulls through the streets of the encierro. Its speed is around 24 kilometers (14.9 miles) per hour. The halter ran over the young American and turned him in the air. Upon falling, the runner hit his head and became unconscious.
According to the medical deputy director of the hospital in Navarra, where the young American was transferred, four wounded were received, the most serious being the Alaska runner. The doctor announced that he would undergo a scan, but warned that, even if the result of the scanner is positive, the force of the blow received by the runner advised to keep him under observation for several hours. The first medical part of the young man speaks of cranioencephalic trauma.
The third encierro of the Sanfermines was dangerous due to the fragmentation of the herd, which caused tense moments. It was a fast confinement, with high participation of runners. All the injured were bruised.
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