
Queen Letizia's hometown hosted the parade of the Spanish Armed Forces

Presided over by the Kings

(Source: Rosana Rivera)
USPA NEWS - Queen Letizia's hometown, Oviedo, hosted on Saturday the central event of the week that Spain dedicated this year to its armed forces, a land parade that was supported by all of the city's citizens. The ancient kingdom of the Astures, a land where the Reconquest of Spain was launched against the Muslim invasion that, from the year 711 AD until 1492, ruled the Iberian Peninsula, threw itself into support of the Spanish Army.
More than 3,200 soldiers took part in the central event of Armed Forces Week, a parade through the streets of Oviedo, amid shouts of “Long live Spain!” and “Viva en Rey!” Amid cheers, Kings Felipe VI and Letizia arrived at Menéndez Pidal Avenue in Oviedo, in the Principality of Asturias, where the grandstand was installed from where the monarchs watched the military parade. And from where King Felipe VI paid tribute to those soldiers who died for Spain.
In the land parade, only disturbed by the Águila patrol, which made two passes over the route, more than 3,200 soldiers from the three armies participated in the military parade. The events began with the launch of a parachutist from the Acrobatic Parachuting Patrol of the Air Force (Papea) carrying the Spanish national flag, a 45 square meter flag that presided over the tribute to the fallen. King Felipe VI placed a laurel wreath at the foot of the national flag, paying tribute to those who, throughout history, gave their lives for Spain.
After the tribute to the fallen, the land parade began, in which soldiers from the three armies took part. The city of Oviedo dedicated itself to paying tribute to the Armed Forces. Spanish flags adorned the balconies of houses throughout the city. Children and adults waved small Spanish flags, given by the Ministry of Defense. Many businesses closed their doors so their owners and employees could enjoy the parade.
The King wore an Air Force uniform. Queen Letizia, who was returning to her hometown, wore red. Since her arrival and throughout the parade, both received the affection of the Asturians. Not so the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, the only representative of the Spanish Government, who was booed by a sector of the public at the beginning of the events. The minister, one of the most highly valued members of the Socialist Government of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, accepted the protest directed against the Government.
The parade was opened by armored vehicles, battle tanks, emergency teams and medical vehicles from the three armies. Behind them, the units passed on foot. As always, the biggest applause was received by the Civil Guard and the legion. Both units receive the love of the Spanish wherever they go.
Source: Rosana Rivera
Source: Rosana Rivera
Source: Rosana Rivera
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